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Catalonia Grand Costa Mujeres


Costa Mujeres 77400
Cancún, México


This wonderful resort is located in the paradise beach area called Costa Mujeres, just 7 km from the Cancun Hotel Zone, right opposite the mystical Isla Mujeres. The distance between Cancun Airport and Costa Mujeres is 21 kilometers (30 minutes).

Nearby attractions:

With its location in Costa Mujeres, just minutes from Cancun, the region offers a full range of outdoor activities. A can’t-miss tour is to take a ferry to Isla Mujeres to visit the Garrafón Natural Park, located on the southern tip of this charming island. You can also take a tour of the MUSA underwater art museum, an over 420-meter underwater space that showcases more than 500 sculptures.

catalonia costa mujeres

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