hightlight catalonia las vegas 01

Catalonia Las Vegas


Dirección: Av. Colón 2 | 38400 Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife)


Hotel located in the Paseo of Puerto de la Cruz, just a two-minute walk from the beach, and overlooking Lago Martiánez from where you can see the impressive Teide volcano.

Nearby places of interest

Distance in km from the hotel to:

  • Los Rodeos Airport 30 km 
  • Reina Sofia Airport 90 km
  • City center 0.3 km 
  • Bus station 0.8 km
  • Taxi stop 0
  • Commercial Area 0 
  • Restaurants area - Bars 0
  • Playa Martianez 0.3 km
  • Playa Jardin 1 km
  • Lagos Martianez 0.1 km

BP 01 catalonia las vegas

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