hightlight catalonia ses estaques 01

Catalonia Ses Estaques


Dirección: C/ Ses Estaques | 07840 Santa Eulalia del Río | Ibiza (Baleares)


A modern hotel built on the seafront close to one of Ibiza's most beautiful and largest cities, Santa Eulària des Riu. Sixteen kilometers from the capital, this city is known for its amazing gastronomy and its beaches are renowned for their beauty and tranquility.

Nearby places of interest

Distance in km from the hotel to:

  • Airport 22 km 
  • Port 16 km 
  • Central railway station -
  • City center 0.8 km 
  • Nearest bus stop 0.8 km
  • Nearest taxi stop 0.8 km 
  • Shopping Center 0.150 km 
  • Nearest restaurant/bar 0.150 km
  • Nearest exhibition center 0.05 km

ubicacion catalonia ses estaques

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